From time to time Customers contact us to say that their FurZapper Pet Hair Remover for Laundry is not working. Some are brand new first-time Zappers, and others have been using it to remove dog or cat hair for months, and are seeing diminishing results. We know it works, but we also realize that there are some issues that could make it perform inadequately. Here are a list of several things to troubleshoot in case you are seeing issues or having trouble:
Here are some tips for troubleshooting to make sure The FurZapper is most effective to Help Remove my Pet Hair from your Clothes and Laundry
- Use One FurZapper per pet. A 2-Pack is good for up to 2 “normal-sized” pets like cats or dogs.
- Do Not Overload your Washer or Dryer. Try a half-full washer or 3/4 full.
- Fill Up the Water: Use lots of Water with your Wash. If there is not enough water or your clothes washer is a miser with water, then the water is not able to rinse the Pet hair off the FurZapper as often, nor can it wash down the drain.
- Increase Water: If possible, program your washer to add a “Pre-wash” cycle, or a “Fresh Rinse” cycle. This usually helps provide a good water supply so the FurZapper can remove dog or cat hair from your laundry.
- Fabric Softeners reduces Stickiness. Softeners contain ingredients that act like an oil which coats the FurZapper’s Pet Fur removing surface. This reduces or eliminates the tacky surface . Try a load without any Fabric Softeners or additives
- Top Loader? Add FurZappers on Top. If you have a Top-load washer, add clothes first, and place FurZappers on top of your Laundry. Then wash. If your washer doesn’t agitate very well, the FurZapper may sink to the bottom and therefore not be able to mix around with your laundry.